All prices are CAD!
Payment via Ko-fi, Paypal, or Canadian e-transfer.

Contact:watchmen (Discord)@mononyms (Twitter)[email protected] (email)

I mostly do Killing Game and Dungeons & Dragons characters, but I can give any character a shot!
I'll reject anything hateful or NSFW, and I can't do mechs or furries, sorry. Gore is fine.
TAT varies - I work full-time. Please be patient. You may ask for updates as much as you'd like, though!

Artfight attack on twitter user @mackabnormal.

Artfight attack on artfight user gladiatrix.

Can do full DND parties :)

Icons have simple colourblock backgrounds.

Backgrounds beyond simple gradients are $5-10 extra depending on complexity!

OR 500g (1g:1000t)Just bogsneaks for now because I like them most :) potentially could do obelisks?

Thank you for reading!